5.3. 例外

exception pysimple.SimpleError(msg)

ベースクラス: Exception



>>> ij = Element(value=[(1,3), (1,4), (2,3)], name='ij')
>>> ij + 1
pysimple.error.SimpleError: dim of 'Element' must be 1
>>> i = Element(value=[1,2], name='i')
>>> x = Variable(index=i, name='x')
>>> x + 1
pysimple.error.SimpleError: Variable 'x' needs to be with index (no index given)
>>> Sum(x[i], i) + i
pysimple.error.SimpleError: illegal use of Element 'i' which has been operated already
>>> Condition(ij, i>1)
pysimple.error.SimpleError: illegal use of Element 'i'
>>> p = Problem()
>>> p += x[i]
pysimple.error.SimpleError: objective cannot be defined with index
>>> p += Sum(x[i])
>>> p += Sum(x[i])
pysimple.error.SimpleError: objective can only be assigned once
>>> p += x[i] >= 1
>>> p += x[i] >= 1
pysimple.error.SimpleError: override constraint '(x[i]>=1)'
exception pysimple.NuoptError

ベースクラス: Exception

Nuorium Optimizer の内部で発生した例外を表すクラスです.