[著者] | 奥田 忠久,吉川 剛平,川野 秀一
[掲載誌・学会名] | 第16回日本統計学会春季集会 |
[URL] | https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event/tjss2022spring/subject/PL-B-1-03/advanced |
Bias-Variance Reduced Local SGD for Less Heterogeneous Federated Learning
[著者] | Tomoya Murata, Taiji Suzuki
[掲載誌・学会名] | The 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2021) |
[URL] | https://icml.cc/Conferences/2021/Schedule?showEvent=9508 |
The exact asymptotic form of Bayesian generalization error in latent Dirichlet allocation
[著者] | Naoki Hayashi
[掲載誌・学会名] | Neural Networks Volume 137, May 2021, Pages 127-137 |
[URL] | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2021.01.024 |
Gradient Descent in RKHS with Importance Labeling
[著者] | Tomoya Murata, Taiji Suzuki
[掲載誌・学会名] | The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics |
[URL] | http://proceedings.mlr.press/v130/murata21a.html |
Within and between classroom transmission patterns of seasonal influenza among primary school students in Matsumoto city, Japan
[著者] | Akira Endo, Mitsuo Uchida, Naoki Hayashi, Yang Liu, Katherine E. Atkins, Adam J. Kucharski, and Sebastian Funk
[掲載誌・学会名] | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) |
[URL] | https://www.pnas.org/content/118/46/e2112605118 |